Develop your inner leadership
In 2016 Maaike Decock travelled to Ladakh with Bruno Rouffaer, who was her coach during the time she worked as manager. Because they share values such as humility, integrity and trust, they decided to join forces and create an inner leadership program combining eastern and western techniques and philosophy.
Meet our professionals

Maaike Decock

Bruno Rouffaer
Maaike Decock
Maaike has more than 10 years of middle management experience in the stressful environment of corporate international organisations. She has personally been confronted with stress and burnout.
In 2010 Maaike came into contact with Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche, an internationally very highly respected Buddhist Teacher. Today they work closely together. She has learnt about Eastern philosophy, studied Buddhism and integrated yoga, mindfulness, meditation, breading techniques and Tibetan medicine into her Stress Release Program (link website Tarayogini)
She manages to combine old Eastern techniques with Western influences, which makes her a unique teacher. Since 2012, she organises yoga and meditation courses in France, India, Tibet and Nepal to bring people closer to themselves.
Bruno Rouffaer
Bruno lives and works from his homebase Lima-Peru as an international coach/consultant. He is labour sociologist, with a deep interest in leadership and organizational behaviour. He is also known as the disruptive leadership rebel with over 30 years of global experience.
He is the author of the bestselling book NO WAY, big bad boss era is over, Humbleness, Integrity & Trust, LannooCampus 2013, Dutch (top 5 management books), English (Lannoocampus 3nd edition 2017) & Spanish version (CENTRUM-PUCP 1st edition 2017).
He is a worldwide keynote speaker on Collaborative Leadership, Unboss, Change and Resilience in times of crisis.
Bruno is also freelance professor and getting out of your box is his motto. The onion is his metaphor for the human being: all layers represent very specific aspects of a person and it all starts with your deep inner layers. Who are you really?
Bruno works together with the world artist Koen Vanmechelen on his Human Rights Cosmogolem project to be presented at the Biennale of Venice and the United Nations in 2021. He is also a happy cacao-vanilla farmer deep in the Peruvian amazon jungle
See our inner leadership program in Ladakh
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